
Under the pillow

Feeling Digital


Lost innocence

A propos du project

Kids’ world usually somewhat of a mystery to their parents. But that’s exactly the place where magic happens, and adventures are never far! Mormitten the toy kitten, once created by my father for my sister and me brings the entire family together on a playful journey, helping kids learn to solve problems and avoid squabbles with their siblings, as well as parents explore what it means to be a child again.

Genre Other
Format 360 Video, 6 Dof, Ar Mr
Platforme Oculus Rift, Unity, Traditional animation film, physical game (sewing kit)

Film XR (Estonia), Feeling Digital (Belarus), Mormotik Studio (Russia)

Feeling Digital 


Date d’achèvement prévue 21/06/2021
Budget prévisionnel
462 000€


Artiste/s principal/aux Georgy Molodtsov director, scriptwriter,
Lyudmila Ulanova scriptwriter,
Anna Northrup scriptwriter,
Elena Gladneva character designer,
Yury Negrebetsky music composer,
Pavel Lukashevich immersive artist,
Lizaveta Belaya immersive artist,
Pavel Firsov producer
Alex Vasilevsky, lead developer
Yana Filipovich, technical artist
Andrey Lanevsky, CG Artist
Producteur/s Georgy Molodtsov, Mitya Sorkin
Acteur/s Alex Basset, Phoebe Basset, Leo Basset

Ils seront présents sur le XR Financing Market

Georgy Molodtsov

Film XR

Executive Producer

Mitya Sorkin

feeling digital


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