

Small by Mac Guff


Lost innocence

A propos du project

You enter Kid’s bedroom. It has been devastated by a war in a not too distant future. A smartwatch on your wrist lights green and asks you to confirm your identity.
By doing so, you trigger the first of many transitions back in time, transforming the room, rewinding to the origins of the political disaster that has happened here, living backwards Kid’s whole relationship with Grandma. He rassures, she guides, they talk on a VR call, she gets him his first piano… Sometimes it feels like you are Kid, sometimes you witness his presence from a little distance through the ages. An adult, once a tween, a teen, a kid, a child.
The experience seems to end gently, before transposing you back to the very first devastated room, reminding you of the true end of this story.

Genre Fiction One Off
Format At Home, Real Time Rendered, 6 Dof, Installation
Platforme Oculus Rift, Unreal, Oculus Quest

Small Creative (France)

Small by Mac Guff 


Date d’achèvement prévue 01/08/2021
Budget prévisionnel
328 624€
Partenaires à bord CNC Development Fund, Small Creative, Devlab, Demute


Artiste/s principal/aux Mercedes Arturo author and director
Producteur/s Voyelle Acker Small Creative,
Gabrielle Floquet independent producer
Acteur/s Not available yet (partner : 1st Avenue Machine)

Ils seront présents sur le XR Financing Market

Voyelle Acker

small creative


Gabrielle Floquet

independent producer


Vincent Guttmann

small creative


Mercedes Arturo

Writer / Director

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