Ten professionals from Quebec in the digital creation sector are part of our "Focus on Quebec" guest list and will attend the NewImages Festival. Discover the delegation and come meet them from April 5 to 9, 2023!
Myriam Achard - Head of New Media Partnership Centre Phi
Guillaume Aniorté - Chief Executive QDSI
Mathieu St-Arnaud - Chief Executive Normal Studio
Marion Cossin - Research Engineer & Phd CRITAC - Lab7
Gwendal Creurer - Head of the XR web platform "Satellite" SAT
Denys Lavigne - Co-funder & President Oasis Immersion
Cédric Orvoine - CEO Dpt.
Pascal Pelletier - Co-funder & President HUBBLO
Jenny Thibault - Chief Executive SAT
Louis-Richard Tremblay - Chief Executive ONF