
Decision Makers: key players at NewImages Festival

Since 2019, NewImages Festival has become a key international event for the creation and distribution of immersive experiences (VR, AR, MR, interactive installations, immersive performances). At the heart of this dynamic ecosystem are the Decision Makers: influential XR professionals who support, finance and distribute the most promising projects in the sector.

Decision Makers are co-producers, distributors, programmers, representatives of cultural and artistic institutions, digital platforms, immersive entertainment spaces and public and private structures, who have real decision-making power over the financing, co-production and distribution of XR works.

By taking part in the XR Market at NewImages Festival, these Decision Makers gain access to individual meetings specially organized to enable them to meet the creators of the most innovative projects, be they virtual reality films, immersive video games, interactive experiences, digital installations or immersive shows.

Why become a Decision Maker at NewImages Festival 2025?

Joining the Decision Makers network at NewImages Festival 2025 is a unique opportunity to :

  • Get a sneak preview of a selection of international immersive projects;
  • Meet and talk directly with project creators and developers during one-to-one meetings;
  • Influence the future of the XR industry by supporting promising projects;
  • Participate in panels and speeches at Industry Days, to share your expertise with the international XR community.

For more information on how to join the Decision Makers, please contact our dedicated team: newimages-xrmarket@forumdesimages.fr

Become a key player in the future of immersive creation: be a Decision Maker at NewImages Festival 2025!

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