Digital creation &
virtual worlds
Upcoming edition:
8th edition April 9-13, 2025
Each year and since its creation, NewImages Festival is structured around 3 main lines – gather, exchange and accompany – which have become constitutive of the festival’s DNA.
In order to embody at best these values, the festival proposes every new edition to take on a challenge: offer during 5 days a program representing the richness of the sector of digital creation and all the mutations which it undergoes !
If NewImages Festival concerns first and foremost professionals, it is also directed towards the public with the five dedicated days during the festival, so that the public may acquaint itself to the different existing immersive modes.

The festival seeks to highlight the best of immersive creation through the presentation of artworks expressing strong worldviews. The program is firstly characterized by the variety of the immersive formats proposed, which enables the exploration of a multitude of narrative modes and also to enjoy a special connection to the artworks!
NewImages Festival represents a privileged moment for creators, by participating to give them the tools they need to guarantee their freedom regarding emerging technological innovations in the cultural sector. The festival’s approach is mainly about showing how creation in hybrid and digital environment isn’t an isolated aesthetic category, it is on the contrary at the core of every artistic discipline and should be perceived as such by the cultural sector.
By allowing the players of digital creation to meet and exchange about their use of technologies, NewImages Festival aims at making possible new collaborations, through the XR Development & Co-production Market especially, and over time to rethink with all the players from the sector a financial model to create a sustainable future for digital creation.
NewImages Festival’s role is also to make sure that the artworks are visible to international professionals as well as the public, through the implementation of practical initiatives, namely the XR Distribution Market (formerly XR Art Fair), a unique initiative in Europe, and through an active thinking – made of conferences and meetings – about new distribution modes and circuits, to ensure the preservation and exposition of the artworks.
Produit et organisé par Le Forum des images (institution culturelle subventionnée par la Ville de Paris), NewImages Festival est né en janvier 2018 de l’association entre le Paris Virtual Film Festival (juin 2016) et I Love Transmédia (2011).