NewImages XR Market:
XR Development Market & XR Distribution Market
Every year, NewImages Festival organizes two markets in parallel with its artistic programming and conferences: the XR Development Market, dedicated to the search for co-production and financing, and the XR Distribution Market, dedicated to the distribution of finished immersive work projects.
The XR Development Market is a unique initiative in France, and as part of NewImages XR Market it encourages and enables projects to find co-producers. Through this innovative matchmaking program, NewImages intends to contribute to developing, structuring and strengthening the digital creation ecosystem in order to support the sector – both in Europe and internationally – in a sustainable manner.

A brand new section of the NewImages XR Market since 2022, the XR Distribution Market program is the first market entirely dedicated to the distribution of immersive and interactive works. Within this framework, approximately 100 creators will present their projects and/or their catalog to future partners. Thanks to this new program, the NewImages Festival is positioning itself as the world’s first professional event entirely dedicated to the distribution of immersive and interactive works.