Think Tank – Club Innovation & Culture CLIC x NewImages Hub

From September 2023, the Club Innovation & Culture and NewImages Hub will invite museums, cultural venues, science centers, historical monuments… to imagine together the future of cultural institutions in the metaverse.
What metaverse and for which uses?
How can we organize distribution?
How can we protect artists and their royalties?
How can we fund these developments?
What economic model can we invent?
How can we accompany the metaverse’ users?
How do we make those projects compatible with sustainable development?
Through workshops and writing sessions, meetings between players coming from diverse creative fields, discussions with technology and legal experts, the Think Tank invites French cultural institutions, whether public or private, to answer together those questions and to create their own place in the metaverse.
The first Think Tank meeting will take place at the Forum des images, on Tuesday, September 19th from 9:30AM to 12PM.
Contact us to participate:!
3 other Think Tank meetings will take place on:
Tuesday, November 21st from 9:30AM to 12PM
Tuesday, January 16th from 9:30AM to 12PM
Thursday, March 14th from 9:30AM to 12PM