Accreditations Industry Days 2022
On site or remotely, join us for Industry Days, from June 8th to 10th. Join now the 5th edition and the NewImages Festival Network!
How do you get your accreditation?
- Select the category and the number of tickets you want to purchase. If you are not decided yet, here you can have a quick overview of the 2022 accreditation offers.
- Complete the form with personal details and confirm your order for the payment process.
- If you are registered, you will soon receive an invitation email from Swapcard (the link is valid for 48 hours) confirming the creation of your professional account and giving you access to the “Network” and all the online services included in your accreditation.
- /!\ These accounts are automatically generated from the email addresses provided for each accreditation. If you are purchasing multiple accreditations, please make sure to fill in the personal data of each participant. /!\

The XING Events solution: intuitive management of participant’s registration, an increase in ticket sales and a professional event organisation. Online registration has never been this simple.