
Look at Me

XR Competition
Look at Me © Wi Ding Ho | Kaohsiung Film Archive, Changhe Films, Funique VR Studio
Look at Me © Wi Ding Ho | Kaohsiung Film Archive, Changhe Films, Funique VR Studio

Zhang, like everyone in the near future, is addicted to virtual world. He is also depressed because his girlfriend doesn’t look at him anymore during their date and, as a result, their sex life also suffers since his girlfriend seems to enjoy cybersex more. Poor Zhang has to find solace in VR chatting software where the girl in VR world actually looks at him when talking to him!

A failed rendezvous with his girlfriend makes Zhang wanders in the city at night and discovers a club where everyone gives up virtual world for physical fighting to engage “real interactions” and where everyone actually looks at each other during conversation.

Location lobby (Forum des images)
Lead Artist Wi Ding HO
Production Kaohsiung Film Archive (Taiwan), Changhe Films (Taiwan), in association with Funique VR Studio (Taiwan)
Genre Fiction
Duration 14'
Year 2019
Language Mand. (Engl. sub.)
Format VR360


Included in 2-hour package, subject to availability*

* With two-hour spot, enjoy the Forum des images’ various experiences.


Session 1 11am – 1pm
Session 2 1pm – 3pm
Session 3 3pm – 5pm
Session 4 5pm – 7pm

* With two-hour spot, enjoy the Forum des images’ various experiences


Session 1 11am – 1pm
Session 2 1pm – 3pm
Session 3 3pm – 5pm
Session 4 5pm – 7pm

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