
Women in XR: where are we now and how do we make things happen?

Catherine Allen (Limina Immersive), Gabrielle Floquet (independent producer), Ana Ribeiro (Creative Director, ARVORE), Ainslee Robson (director), Oriane Hurard (Les Produits Frais)

In 2020, the festival engages itself alongside the Collectif 50/50 in a reflection and a fight for equality and diversity within cultural industries. As such, based on feedback from our speakers and statistics, this panel offers a review of the current state of women’s place in immersive creation, of the glass ceiling to which they are confronted. Within an XR ecosystem that is still young and in the process of being shaped, how can parity and diversity be made concrete (and not virtual)? How to build a balanced industry, especially with regard to creative positions?

Format Panel
Language English
Date Friday 25 September at 4:45pm
Duration 45'
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