The NewImages Festival, partner of Villa Albertine – with the MIT Open Documentary Lab

After the partnership with the Villa Medici, NewImages Festival is very pleased to announce its partnership with the French Embassy in the United States and the MIT Open Documentary Lab for the Villa Albertine!
Created by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and supported by the French Ministry of Culture, Villa Albertine offers a novel artists’ residency model in which residents choose the location best suited to their work within the host country.
With a permanent presence in 10 major US cities, it aims to foster in-depth exploratory residencies for artists, thinkers, and culture professionals hailing from all creative disciplines. In its inaugural year, Villa Albertine will host 80 residents for one- to three-month customized residencies.
Mathieu Pradat selected!

Writer and director in residence in Boston – In partnership with the NewImages Festival and the MIT Open Documentary Lab
Trained as an architect, Mathieu Pradat has directed interactive films and immersive experiences (Twist Again, Inner Place, Proxima, The Roaming), selected and awarded in many major film festivals (Venice, Geneva, Frankfurt, Locarno…).
“My project for this residency, a partnership between Villa Albertine, NewImages Festival, and MIT, is entitled The Response. It is still far from being fully developed, or even written. First, I will immerse myself in the interactions and discussions I will have in Boston. My idea involves two artificially intelligent humanoid robots, which the audience would meet in a setting yet to be thought of.”
He will be hosted at MIT’s Open Documentary Lab where he will meet with researchers and artists who will help him with his research on the growing interaction between virtual and real worlds.